Unlike Avatar, I have received no e-mails or comments asking me where the hell I am! Yet, I just wanted to put this up and let the people know that I am not dead! I am just a little busy with pre-college preperations, spending time with friends and the general mid-year crisis. I know I might have presented views on plans on taking a hiatus from blogging, especially with college starting in a month and a half, but I have since back-tracked on those plans. I realised blogging and hacking is a part of me that won't die! :)
So for the moment, this is just a temporary lean period, that promises to go away the moment I'm in college, and in the groove of things! Though I am going to reduce the frequency of posts, to keep them particularly on topic and full of useful information, and only when I really need to say something about something! :) (Or a hack release here and there)
So thats all! Thanks for the support (or just hanging on to my feed! :P)